About Us

Learn About Our Award Winning Work

Our Philosophy

Visual appeal, player interest and ease of maintenance.

The foundation of great design is the balance of three vital elements: visual appeal, player interest and ease of maintenance. Our designs utilize natural elements and artistic feature shaping to look great and provide optional routes of play. Classic risk and reward hazard placement stimulates strategic play. Features are constructed to enable cost efficient maintenance.

MUNGEAM CORNISH GOLF DESIGN works with the land to create thoughtful course routings that blend with natural elements to provide good balance and variety in hole length and appearance. Our layouts minimize costly earthmoving and are enjoyable to walk.

Golf courses should be conscientiously designed to be sensitive to environmental issues. Permitting is an important aspect of modern design, and MUNGEAM CORNISH has experience and solutions for gaining approvals on difficult sites. Maintaining hole playability and character is forefront during the permitting process.

The style of the course should vary with the physical characteristics of the property and the goals of the client.

All MUNGEAM designs are rooted in classic golf architecture.

Bunkers should be randomly sited in existing natural land formations rather than be forced into locations to guard a predetermined length shot. The location of a bunker and its affect on strategy is more important than its style, but the look and naturalness of bunkering plays a vital role in course aesthetics.

Fairways of a fairly consistent width should weave back and forth between natural and created earthforms and hazards that become integrated into the play of the course.

Frequent and extensive visits by the designer during construction are critical to a successful project. Such visits allow us to react to opportunities to improve the design or reduce work that may arise. MUNGEAM GOLF DESIGN takes a hand on approach  often running equipment and helping shape features.


MUNGEAM GOLF DESIGN is sensitive to project budget goals. We want our clients to profit and believe in carefully evaluating projects to enable reductions in construction cost.


Much of MUNGEAM GOLF DESIGNS work involves the sensitive renovation of existing courses. We have a nationally recognized reputation for our restoration work on classic layouts. When renovation is appropriate, our work invigorates the course and membership.